Would you like to use our app?
Villa San Michele's app is now available on Useeum, a platform for museums in different countries.Download Useeum from Appstore (Iphone) or Google Play (Android) and write Villa San Michele in the search bar.
We have started with a written version in three parts: Axel Munthe's incredible life story, the Museum with its rooms and artifacts and the Garden. The app is available in Swedish, English and Italian.
Further on we will add an audioguide a video material. The app can be used both on and offline.
The app cannot be used for booking tickets, visits e.t.c. We are happy to provide personal service if you have questions of any kind or if you would like to visit Villa San Michele or our cultural events. Please call +39 081 837 14 01, write to museum@sanmichele.org or events@sanmichele.org or, if you find yourself on the island, pass by!