June 8 2024, 8 pm, Swedish Film Goes Capri, After Work
Our society is built on work. From childhood we are taught to be competitive and result oriented. But in only 15 years or so, the majority of today's jobs will disappear, due to automation and AI. Thus, we will soon have to reconsider work as what makes us who we are, for better or for worse. Through the experiences of the protagonists from four emblematic countries - Kuwait, South Corea, the US and Italy - After Work explores what work ethics is today and how to live without working.Director: Erik Gandini
Photo: Fredrik Wenzel, Fsf
Editing and music : Johan Söderberg
Music production and arrangement: Christoffer Berg
Sound design: Jørgen Bergsund, Rikard Strømsodd
Sound recording: Chiara Andrich
Distribution: Fandango
Production: Fasad Production AB in collaboration con Propaganda Italia, RAI Cinema and Indie Film
All screenings are free at Villa San Michele's outdoor stage
Info e booking: +39 0818371401 - events@sanmichele.org